viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

My feelings through Dostoyevsky's words

"To love someone means to see him as God intended him" Fyodor Dostoyevsky.

Every time I read something new from Dostoyevsky I can't but feel touched. Even loose quotes like this one speak the most uncontroversial truth, and any one who both believes in God and has been in love can understand at first glance what this words are all about. And here I speak with the most personal tone; I find in this author food for my own personality, and through his characters I feel myself represented. With all their vices, all their defects, all their profound feelings, me, a Western without hope in our lost civilization, cannot but feel touched. Only love can displace and set apart all traces of bias and ignorance from our eyes when contemplating the work of God in another person.

I read Dostoyevsky over and over again, and I feel pleased. If being in love is our perception of the work of God in a specific person, I tell with utmost certainty that I have seen. And I still see what is part of God in a specific woman today. Among all the millions of souls and minds that walk the populous city of New York, she knows that I'm talking about her.

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