God is broadly believed to be the Creator of the world. Plenty of metaphors are used to describe this role He plays in the existence of all things, by portraying Him as the Architect of the Universe, the Consciousness of the World, the Universal Legislator, etc. The prime element is that, if we admit that he is the Creator, then he drafted the rules of the world he created and which existence comes only after His act. This argument goes for the atheists, so follow me closely. Independently of your faith or lack of it, if we reasonable accept as an intellectual experiment, that something like God is the only thing from which the Universe could have spring from, then He is previous to the rules that determine the world He created. These rules are a posteriori in existence. They didn't play any role in God's presence itself. This, my friends, includes logic. The order of the Universe is determined by many laws, and some of them are formal rules of logic. Because we are beings necessarily bound to the rules of this world in which we live in, it is impossible for us to think outside the most basic notions that structure it. That which transcends the world, that lies beyond its rules, that's precisely God. Then how can we even conceive an explanation of the nature of that that is totally outside our sphere of reference? Thinking otherwise is the biggest of illusions brought about by that callous sin called pride.
God as a concept cannot be debated. It is a naive discussion. However, the experience of Jesus Christ can. Why? Because he walked this Earth and his life was bound to its rules... to a certain extend. There are only two assumptions that we have to use in discussing Jesus Christ. Or we acknowledge that he is the son of God, or we don't. If we don't, then we can legitimately debate Jesus Christ on strictly historical and rational terms. But if we do, then we have before us a dilemma. Jesus is both a man, so we can judge him as such, but he also shares with God in His universal nature, so there is something that runs away from our limited understanding. So in Jesus the limitations of the particular man are overcome by the universality of God. As human beings all of us are particulars, fragments of the universe, and we cannot but see the universe from our fragmented peace of the world, whereas God is universal and eternal. Put it from this perspective human beings as particulars are totally alienated from the eternal. But if we acknowledge Jesus divine background, then God as a universal an eternal being becomes part of the human experience. Human beings and God's being become united, linked, in the body of Jesus Christ, and that's the whole point of his mission: the final union between men and the Lord. And last but not less important, if Jesus as a man shares also the nature of the eternal in his same body, then as such, as God-made-man, there is nothing that he could not have done. The only way of debating Jesus' miracles, and Jesus infinite love for humanity, is by stating a priori a totally human nature, and putting aside any divine background.
Jesus Christ is a synthesis between the universal and eternal of God, that embodies and fills the whole universe and beyond (because He is previous to the existence of the universe itself), and the particular condition of human beings in their subjective experience. Only as such he can be our savior. Only as such his message can be understood. If we deny this, Jesus' mission and teachings become blurred and historically inconsistent. It is up to you, as a person, to choose which side of the story you believe in.
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