martes, 22 de enero de 2013

My new Executive Auto Biography

 I was born in Caracas, Venezuela. I lived in New York City for two years hoping to one day become an American citizen, but the U.S. environment toward Hispanic immigration of any type has become so hostile that I decided to move to Mexico City after finishing my M.A. at NYU.

Now I'm starting a new life in this wonderful city founded by the Aztecs and re founded by Hernán Cortés, with the most wonderful woman I've ever met, a native "chilanga" named Quetzalli, after the nahuatl word which means "precious one", and the root of the name of the famous Aztec god Quetzalcóatl.

After seeing everything that is happening in Venezuela from abroad, after seeing the heretical cult to the personality of Hugo Chávez that has been building up, I've decided that I no longer want to belong to that community of servile people, and no longer call myself Venezuelan. I will not belong to a Maoist form of society, even though international regulations bind me to this ridiculous passport.

I've always denied the thesis of a post national world, but if we are moving in that direction, at least in what regards to culture and identity, then I claim to belong no longer to the Venezuelan nationality, with the hope of finding something new, something extravagant, if not imaginary, a name I could call myself.

If gays have this right to change their natural sexual orientation, why could we not demand to be called differently? Better be a homeless gypsy than something you dislike so much.

In a more positive tone, I consider myself more a Roman Catholic than anything else in the world. My internationalism is expressed through the Church of Christ. To me it doesn't matter where you are from, or the color of your skin, or the language you spoke when you were a child, or the language spoken by your ancestors; if you are a Christian, you are my brother or sister.

All Christians are citizens in the Kingdom of Heaven, and we enjoy equal rights under the same supreme monarch Jesus Christ, and we all receive perfect judgment and universal peace and love, for in the Kingdom of God no difference is of any matter.

martes, 15 de enero de 2013

If this is Civilization, I choose Barbarism.

I share this news with you. "Four activists from Ukrainian feminist group Femen stripped off in St. Peter's Square on Sunday in a protest for gay rights just as Pope Benedict XVI was reciting his traditional weekly Angelus prayer."

This is another bold demonstration that we no longer hold to a true and sane notion of freedom. Where freedom becomes irreverent disrespect for sacred things, then freedom becomes something sick, insane and ultimately evil.

We are way into a moral dark age, where individuals in the name of their individual pride, in strife for self-gratification, for bodily pleasure, for dirty, pig-like, debased and debauched forms of love and lust and licentiousness, are even willing to come to a sacred place that is not even the center of their own religious cult (Ukranians are Christian Orthodox after all), to insult and humilliate those that do not share their moral decrepitude.

This is another act that proves that individuals must be guided in their freedom, and that freedom must be somehow guided by a superior intelligence, for when they are left to themselves, many human beings become ugly and savage animals, like this feminist group from somewhere outside Roman Christianity.

What has happened with the freedom Locke and J. S. Smith defended so ardently? These men where Christians that understood freedom to be a wonderful gift from God. The moment it turned against God, against the sacred, it ceased being freedom and became a work of the devil.

I cannot help but ask myself, is our civilization worth defending? Is this culture of freedom something we ought to protect? 

After all, we are being challenged by the Muslim world in ways that are startling. But at times like this I cannot avoid raising the question if the Muslim world does not have the better side in this debate. They remain steadfast with God, and if they will create their form of freedom any time soon, it doesn't seem to depart from their respect and yield to God. If that would be the case, why would we, Western Christians, side with our own decrepit civilization? If freedom means protesting topless in front of the most holy place in all Western Christendom: is it something worth considering as a good?

Two core values of modernity are falling short of my highest expectations: democracy and freedom. Democracy, because it's the weapon of the mass of uncultivated against merit, and the modern understanding of freedom, because it's a debased and corrupt form of individuality. Both are willing to assault things that are not to be touched by human beings. 

There is no legitimate right to disrespect sacred things. Anyone willing to do so is a rogue of Creation. I propose to call all these liberals rogues against Creation, like communists, atheists, and the family of infidels that turned their backs against God, and that now want to use the government to turn all of civilization against Heaven.

There is not right to send society down Hell. If you want to go to Hell, then do it on your own. Don't ask all of society to accompany you. Liberals are an army of evil harlots and incubus that want to see us all burned so that they can enjoy the pleasures of a few years of debauched life.

If this is civilization, I choose barbarism.