For the sake of the argument, just read city as country, liberty as democracy, and Italy as Venezuela.
"Certainly in the cities of Italy all that is corruptible and corrupting is assembled. The young are idle, the old lascivious, and each sex and every age abounds with debasing habits, which the good laws, by misapplication, have lost the power to correct. Hence arises the avarice so observable among the citizens, and the greediness, not for true glory, but for unworthy honors; from which follows hatred, animosities, quarrels, and factions; resulting in deaths, banishments, affliction to all good men, and the advancement of the most unprincipled; for the good, confiding in their innocence, seek neither safety nor advancement by illegal methods as the wicked do, and thus unhonored and undefended they sink into oblivion.
From proceedings such as these, arise at once the attachment for and influence of parties; bad men follow them through ambition and avarice, and necessity compels the good to pursue the same course. And most lamentable is it to observe how the leaders and movers of parties sanctify their base designs with words that are all piety and virtue; they have the name of liberty constantly in their mouths, though their actions prove them her greatest enemies. The reward which they desire from victory is not the glory of having given liberty to the city, but the satisfaction of having vanquished the others, and of making themselves rulers; and to attain the end, there is nothing too unjust, too cruel, too avaricious for them to attempt. Thus laws and ordinances, peace, wars, and treaties are adopted and pursued, not for the public good, not for the common glory of the state, but for the convenience and advantage of a few individuals.
And if other cities abound in these disorders, ours is more than any infected with them; for her laws, statutes, and civil ordinances are not, nor have they ever been, established for the benefit of men in a state of freedom, but according to the wish of the faction that has been uppermost at the time. Hence it follows that, when one party is expelled, or faction extinguished, another immediately arises; for, in a city that is governed by parties rather than by laws, as soon as one becomes dominant and unopposed, it must of necessity soon divide against itself; for the private methods at first adapted for its defense will now no longer keep it united. The truth of this, both the ancient and modern dissensions of our city prove." (Machiavelli; History of Florence: III; Ch. 1).

2 comentarios:
Thanks, ol' comrade for remembering our city today. In the last few weeks i've been dreaming with the spirit of Nero; with his satisfaction, to be precise, at the time the flames and the music of the lire acompanied Rome for a night. Also, I've came to a vague understanding about the deep hate Turgeniev could harbor agaianst his "mother Russia". This helps me to see this mess (it feels funny calling it a "mess"), not like a "historical symptom" but more like a metaphysical agony. I don't know, maybe I rather put it in those terms to live through it for the months to come. In the other hand, Machiavelli talks about the city and politics like Homer describing a young man dying by a spear of brass or Ovid the stages of earthly love. Well, I must seem one of those exaggerated characters of War and peace, giving long speeches between friends in foreign languages.
Greetings from Altamira.
Thank you for your comment. Well, what we can draw from history is that it repeats itself constantly. That Chavez is a phenomenon that is so common in history, that its apparently extraordinary character is totally lost. Then you understand why anything that seems progressive is silly and lame.
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